- The 2_1_WBGF_August2023_TOURNAMENT-RULES_11August2023.pdf are used at most tournaments in the UK and for club matches.
- Should be required viewing for all backgammon players - a 3-minute guide to legal dice rolls https://youtu.be/Plg2P_MULng by Jon Barnes
- Introduction to tournament play, match equity tables, cube strategy and the like: https://bkgm.com/faq/Matches.html#introduction
- An episode of the popular and informative Backgammon is Beautiful video blog by Daniel Rovira where Daniel and Andrew Selby, UKBGF board member and experienced tournament director, discuss UKBGF rules of play, particularly at tournaments. www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oCljbO7d2M
- Also from Backgammon is Beautiful, a visual glossary of some backgammon terms to help explain the language around backgammon tournaments for new players: youtu.be/fhRW2gwz5HA
- Kit Woolsey's article Five Point Match. This article explains strategy at all scores when playing a 5-point match. Most longer matches will end up with some variation of these positions, and the strategy explained here can be very useful. bkgm.com/articles/GOL/Aug99/fivept.htm
- A Backgammon Glossary for Kids & Beginners has been forwarded by Eric Pruitt. Eric loves to share cool and useful finds, so he wanted to pass this along. Learning the terminology really helped him get started, so he hoped it could do the same for others. Thanks Eric.